I have been fortunate enough to have crossed paths with an extraordinary person, Tracee. She is like a beautiful flower, delicate, but stunning with a huge presence, and she brings incredible joy to every person’s life she touches.
I also have the great joy to know Tracee’s brother Phillip. He is incredibly talented, gracious and has the biggest heart.
I’m writing this, not only because Tracee touches my life by the many conversations we have had, but because I want anyone who cares to read my blog to hear this story. Because it’s about human compassion and banding together, even in these difficult economic times.
This courageous and inspirational woman has, at a very young age, been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She’s had 6 months of chemo, most recently a double mastectomy and now faces radiation.
But she is SO strong. I saw her today and she glowed, only 2 weeks after her surgery. Her presence is so powerful. Her beauty overwhelming.
My clients, who are like family to her (and to so many of us), had a fundraiser to help Tracee and her fiance (who was also recently diagnosed with leukemia), have peace of mind. They have staggering medical bills that our U.S healthcare system will barely cover. And there is the expense of rent, etc to endure without income while they work to get better.
Tracee will make a difference in this world. She will be a spokesperson for breast cancer and inform young women about the real truth. Not what our medical system deems is age appropriate care. Joey, her fiance, is a brilliant chef, who deserves every opportunity to share his gift and nurture us with his soulful cooking.
We raised a substantial amount today. Enough for Tracee and her fiance to breath easy for a few months and not worry about how to pay the rent. It will give them a grace period so that they can heal and get stronger.
It was staggering today. How so many people opened their hearts and gave. A dollar went a long way. I’m so moved by the experience.
So, think about the people in your lives. What little thing could you do to help someone move one more step forward in life. We are all concerned about our economic losses and the uncertainty of our future. But, in the spirit of this holiday season, giving the gift of life cannot be compromised. Opulence is the past. Reaching into you heart and making someone’s life a little richer is what this holiday season should be about. It’s not about money. It’s about remembering to look beyond yourself and giving someone a hand to hold.
Tonight, just being able to give Tracee a hug and cry and laugh together was more beautiful and powerful than any gift I’ve ever received. I hope I gave her something in return.
I want to give recognition to Jason Lara and David Abrams (owners of luxelab and artlab salons in Santa Monica) for opening their hearts and sponsoring this wonderful day. Also, Amanda for orchestrating this incredible day. And everyone at both salons for donating their day’s earnings to help these two people get back on their feet. There was also all the people, not employed by the salons, who volunteered their Sunday to lend a hand and rock Tracee’s and Joey’s world. And then there was Phillip and his family flock. They are amazing!
Think of what you could do. David and Jason gave instead of receiving. That’s hard to do when business is so fragile right now. It could have been a good day on the balance sheet. But it was a better day because Tracee and Joey will not have to worry so much.
I will never forget this day. And I will never forget hearing Tracee’s words today. She brought to us all the true spirit of the holidays. The true gift of giving. Giving to make someone’s life brighter.
I was surrounded by honesty and truth today. Ok, not completely. I will share the story of the woman who swooped into the salon, right after her yoga class, still clutching her mat. She ransacked the food table, running off with a cupcake and Krispy Creme doughnut, caring only for her reward after her meditative yoga class. What is that about? There is something so wrong about watching someone stuff their mouth with a Krispy Kreme doughnut, running up the street with their Yoga mat. Had she made a dollar donation, I could have let this one go. Stealing from the day? That’s so wrong in so many ways.
xxoo everyone! for everyone who opened up their hearts today, you are amazing! it was the most beautiful day.