Recently, I was introduced to BettyLou and the Director of Sales from mmckenna -- both are very interesting and stylish.
I purchased several BettyLou lights for my clients’ new store. Some have already sold before the store has officially opened. That’s always a good sign.
I have one, charging up in my loft, so that I can photograph it for the store display. Last night I also delivered the light to the home of my friend, who bought one of my BettyLous.
We waited patiently - sipping champagne, talking -- while BettyLou charged. And finally, there was a magical glow coming from her kitchen. BettyLou had arrived.
I’m looking forward to my own magic. It has suddenly become stormy and cool in LA. Temperatures dropping 20 degrees overnight and skies darkening. Sweater weather has arrived in LA. At least for this weekend. And BettyLou’s arrival in my space will be the perfect glow to a rainy, dark evening in LA.
This light is truly magical. A piece of glowing art that is best seen in the dusk and dark of the evening. I see a fantastic dinner party soon. A row of BettyLous on the table. Maybe my Horse Set and Statue-Esque dinner plates, some simple wine glasses to echo BettyLou’s base, champagne to start because it will look beautiful in the light of BettyLou, and then a meal composed to look all the more sumptuous in BettyLou’s glow.
After my initial BettyLou encounter, it took some time, but it began to grow on me. I became drawn to it. Finally, I had to have it.
You can find BettyLou at
Thursday, August 18, 2016